Today, I am going to share how I got on with taking stock of my own summer capsule wardrobe.
As I mentioned in my previous post (see here), I am now ready to change over my wardrobe from summer to autumn.
And the first stage is to take stock of your capsule wardrobe from the season just gone.
Today, I am going to share with you how I got on with doing exactly that.
Step 1 - Take a look inside your wardrobe
I opened up my wardrobe door to find this:
That might not look too bad to some of you. But, to me, it looks a mess. And I’m pretty sure that there are more items in there than at the start of the season!
Step 2 – Take a full de-brief
So let’s take stock. I’m going to answer the 6 questions, which I asked in my previous post:
1. How did your capsule function for you?
Overall, well.
Lots of variety of pieces for the summer – in terms of the pieces, colour choices and outfits which I could make from them.
There are probably 3-5 pieces which I wore lots.
For the most part though, I only wore each item maybe once or twice.
Conclusion: I could probably manage with quite a small summer capsule wardrobe.
2. Are there any items which you didn’t wear?
Two items: one dress and one sleeveless top. (How do I know? Because I turn the hangers round the wrong way at the start of the season. You can read about that here.)
I wore them a lot last summer though so I am going to keep them for now.
3. Are there items which you are now ready to get rid of?
Yes, a navy blue long-sleeve blouse from Zara, which is part its best.
4. Are there any items which need cleaning, repairing or altering before you put them away?
My trench coat from spring time needs dry-cleaning. (It’s still in my wardrobe as I have nowhere else to store it).
5. Are there any items that have crept in and should not in fact be in your wardrobe?
Yes, towels.
A sponge bag from a weekend away.
Some packaging from a new jumper I bought a couple of weeks ago.
And Christmas presents (which I have hidden away from view).
6. Is there anything else that you would do differently next time around?
I think I will try an ever smaller capsule next summer. That will really allow me to find the pieces and styles which I love.
Step 3 – Empty your wardrobe of everything
I emptied my wardrobe of absolutely everything:
Step 4 – Create piles
And created piles of clothing on my bed. These are summer pieces that I'm going to store away until next year:
Step 5 – Schedule a time to deal with each pile
After creating my piles and assessing my summer items, I wrote down this action list:
Dry clean trench coat: Sat, 28 Sept
Donate old summer clothes in storage box to charity: Sat, 28 Sept
Repair dressing gown sleeve: Tues, 24 Sept
These are the tasks that I want to get done in the next two weeks. This is to ensure that my wardrobe is in tip top shape, ready for next year.
Step 6 – Give your wardrobe a good spring clean
Et voila! I have successfully emptied my wardrobe of my summer things, taken a full de-brief, compiled my action list and spring cleaned the inside of my wardrobe.
Next week
Next week will be Part 2 in this ‘How to’ series. And I will be talking you through how to plan your next capsule wardrobe.
In the meantime, you may like to check out my Autumn Edit or read some of my previous blog posts like Top 5 Trends: Autumn 2019 or Why create a capsule wardrobe? or Top 5 investment pieces for your capsule wardrobe.
Til next time!